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Starting a Blog in 2019 That Makes Money: Tips for Beginners

January 31, 2019 0
Wouldn't you love to make money from sharing something you're passionate about with the world? There's an entire blogosphere out there of people doing exactly that. But there are also plenty of bloggers doing a lot of the same work without making a cent. So, why are some bringing in the big bucks and others aren't?
Here are 5 tips for beginners starting a blog in 2019 that makes money:
1. Create consistent content
2. Have a business mindset
3. Pick a niche
4. Test and reevaluate your strategies
5. Admit when you need to find help
When you have the right plan in place, growing a successful blogging business is a lot easier than you think. Don't get me wrong, it requires a lot of work, but it's more than possible. If you're serious about making 2019 the year that you start making money from a blog, follow along below.

How to start a blog that actually makes money in 2019

I want to highlight for a minute that this post is about making money from a blog. If you just want a hobby blog then, by all means, do whatever you want. But, if you want to start a blog that actually becomes a source of income for you and your family, this is how to get started.

1. Create consistent content

I know most new bloggers, and even some not-so-new bloggers, search for the perfect posting schedule. They all wonder things like, "how many blog posts do I need to write each month?". And they usually grow frustrated because there is no one-size-fits-all blogging schedule. Instead, it all boils down to consistency.
You don't want to post 10 days in a row and then disappear for 6 months. This doesn't give off the appearance that you're running a professional blogging business. People follow readers that are consistently providing them with valuable information. So, you want to show your readers that you're active in the blogging community.
Some bloggers post once a month, once a quarter, or even once every 6 months or so. If you really want to make money blogging, I don't recommend that you go that long in between posts.
However, if you really can only write one new post a month make sure it's incredibly valuable. Use that one post to teach people something. Include amazing graphics and make sure you provide a ton of value. That will make your readers more likely to come back the following month.

2. Have a business mindset

Anyone can start a blog. While that seems like a good thing, it also hurts the reputation of "blogging" for professional bloggers. There are plenty of people that don't make any money from their blog and they are perfectly happy with that. They know how to blog and run a website, but just don't care to turn a profit on it.
And, that's OK for them. But, if you're reading this right now it's because you want a blogging business, not a blogging hobby. You know it's going to take time and energy to start and maintain a blog, so you want to have a financial return for it. In order to do that you need to approach your blog with a business mindset.
You will need to think about things like strategies and business models. You'll also want to create funnels and then test and evaluate what works and what doesn't. Don't be afraid to try new things if something else isn't working.
It might sound overwhelming, but this is one of the keys to moving from a hobby blog to blogging business. You need to determine what works and what doesn't. Do you think Target would keep doing something in their store repeatedly if it wasn't working for them? Nope, and you shouldn't either.

3. Choose a niche

If you've researched blogging at all you've heard about the importance of "niching down". It's advice that many don't want to agree with but let me explain why it's so important.
Some bloggers try to write about everything on their blog. They may write about being a mom, doing crafts with the kids, recipes they use for dinner, and how they keep up with exercise in the midst of it all. They basically blog about their entire life.
I've found that it is a lot easier to find your audience, be found by your audience, and grow and monetize a blog when you're very specific on what you're blogging about (here’s my hack for narrowing your niche). I have thousands of students that have been in my blogging course and the ones that grow the fastest are the ones that have a very specific niche.
For example, instead of being a "food blogger" they are a "paleo food blogger" or they have a blog for "blogging moms with picky eaters in their family that need to cook 30-minute meals". These really specific ideas make it a lot easier to climb the blogging ladder.
You want your readers to quickly be able to identify what you're about when they arrive at your blog. They should be able to easily see what you're an expert at. And, you may be an expert in many areas, but you need to choose one or start multiple blogs if you want to grow a blogging business.

4. Test and reevaluate your strategies

This tip connects back with #2 above. Hobby bloggers do what their hearts desire. They don't have to use or test strategies in their blogs. But you need to take things to the next level when starting a blogging business.
You need to be willing to research and try out new strategies. It's all about testing things out to see what's going to work the best for you. And, even when you find something that works, you need to constantly reevaluate it.
What works for my blogging business right now is not the same thing that worked a couple years ago. Running a blog means that your entire business is impacted by technology. It's always evolving! And, that means your blog needs to be constantly blogging as well.
If you get comfortable in what's working for you today and don't reevaluate, it's going to impact the financial success of your blog in the future. It takes a lot of guts to constantly make changes to your blog. It's much easier to put a strategy in place and leave it along, but that's not how to start and run a blog that's going to make you money.

5. Admit when you need to find help

It's important that you are honest with yourself about what you can handle and what you need help with. This is tough because it's incredibly humbling to admit that you stink at a certain area of your blogging business. But, it's also important for the growth of your business.
This may mean that you have to admit that you struggle with the design side of your blog.  Or, that the photographs you're using are subpar. Or, that you love writing but aren't great with your grammar and could really use someone to proofread your blog posts.
Trust me when I say that I more than anyone else understands that drive to be fiercely independent. I grew up in a huge Catholic family as 1 of 8 children. If any of you grew up in a large family, you know that you spend most of your childhood carving out an area in the family and trying to show you're unique!
With all that uniqueness comes a lot of independence. So, I know how hard it can be to admit that I need to either take a course to learn something new or hire someone else to help me.  But not doing so can get in the way of growing your blogging income.
It's humbling to admit you need help. But, it's so worth it if you find that you're spending a lot of time on tasks and projects that you aren't happy with in the end anyway. Spending the time to learn a new skill or hiring someone to help you out with it can save you time and help you to be more efficient in your blogging business.
When you have the right plan in place, growing a successful blogging business is a lot easier than you think. If you're serious about starting a blog in 2019 that actually makes money, then here are some tips for beginners.

Starting a blog for beginners FAQ?

Maybe you're looking for a way to make money online from home and aren't really familiar with blogging. Or, maybe you already have an online business and are wondering how your business can benefit from a blog. Below are the answers to some of the most commonly asked blogging questions for beginners.

What is blogging used for?

Blogs serve many different purposes. The reason behind them completely depends on who is running it. Here are some of the ways blogs are used:
  • Teach something- Blogs are great ways to share tips, how-tos, and provide other valuable content that teaches people about something or how to do something. You can find blogs on pretty much any topic that you can dream up. Both individuals and businesses start blogs for this reason.
  • Share an experience or personal story - Many hobby bloggers start blogs for this reason. Maybe they are headed out for a month long road trip and they want to document the journey so their friends and family can easily follow along. A blog can be used as a type of online journal. When blogs first started this was the most popular use of them.
  • Make sales - If you have a business that sells products or services online a blog is a great way to draw attention to what you have to offer. For example, if you sell monthly meal plans you can write blogs explaining the benefits of using a meal plan. Once you have readers convinced about the benefits you can sell them on the value that your products provide.
  • Build brand awareness - Blogs are a great way for individuals and businesses to show they are an expert in a certain industry. A well-written blog post that incorporates SEO keywords can perform well in search engines making it easier to get your name in front of your target market.
  • Attract website visitors - Piggybacking off of building brand awareness, blogs help visitors find your website. When they find your website, they can discover all the products and services that you have to offer on your site.

Why is blogging important? Can’t I just focus on getting followers on Instagram, etc?

There's no doubt that social media now plays a large role in marketing efforts. Millions of people are using the platforms and it's a great way to get your business or products and services in front of your target audience.
This might tempt you into thinking that starting a blog to make money is a waste of your time. Girl, it's not! Social media is great, for its own reasons. But you don't own the platform. That means if that's the only way you're trying to grow your business it's going to hurt every time the platform makes a change.
And, what if the platform that you love goes away? Think about MySpace. It was all the rage in its own time, but now, not so much. I know Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram are huge right now, but the day will come when they will be replaced with something else as well. How will you draw people to your website when that happens?
Your blog is like online property that you own. It means even if social media goes away, your followers still know how to find you.

How much does blogging cost?

The answer here is really how much or how little you want it to cost. OK, not completely.
If you want to build a blogging business, you're going to have to invest at least a little bit of money up front. In my opinion, there are two things that you have to spend money on out of the gate—a domain and hosting.
Can you blog on a free platform? Yes and no. Yes, if you want to build a hobby blog. No, if you want to build a blogging business. Free platforms are great if you want to blog just for fun.
But if you want to earn an income you shouldn't be using a free platform for several reasons. Here are a few:
  • The platform will own your content.
  • You can't monetize your site with ads.
  • You lose credibility when your URL is blogname.blogger.com (or fill in any other free platform)
  • There are too many limitations
Now, after your domain and hosting, you can spend money on all kinds of things. You can pay for web design. Or, pay for plugins and additional services to make building a blogging business easier for you. The options are endless when it comes to spending money.
If you want more information in this area here are some blog posts where I go more in-depth on the topic:
  • Starting a Blog - How Much Money Does it Take?
  • Unexpected Blogging Expenses
  • Saving Money When Starting a Blog - Blogging for Cheap

How do bloggers make money?

If you find yourself wondering how to make money with a blog for beginners, there are actually several strategies you can use. They all fall into one of two categories: active income and passive income.

Active income

Active income includes all the ways that you trade time for money. For example, if a food blogger decides they want to offer personalized menu planning services this is active income. It requires them to spend time consulting with their client and then building a meal plan that is tailored to that person. They trade their time for the set price of the meal planning package.
With active income, you make money once on the time that you spend. This includes services like coaching and freelancing.

Passive income

With passive income, you still invest some time, but then you're able to profit from it over and over again. Examples include things like ad revenue, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and product sales.
Let's go back to the example of our food blogger. If instead of customized meal plans, she decides to create a 7-day gluten-free meal plan she can sell that meal plan over and over again. Anyone that's gluten-free knows it might be a great fit for them. She spent the time once and is able to sell it a million times if she wants.
It's important that you keep this in mind when you are creating your plan on how to make money in your blogging business. One source of income is not better or worse than the other. It all depends on your situation and preference. I do recommend making sure you diversify your income streams though so you're never fully dependent on just one thing.
If you want more information on how to make money blogging here are some other articles to check out:
  • How Can You Make Money Blogging?
  • Blog on Autopilot: How to Make Money with Passive Income
  • How I Make Money Blogging Consistently
If you want to see how much I really make blogging, you can check out some of my income reports. I include a breakdown of my sources of income:
  • How do I find blog ideas that make money?
The best way to find blog ideas that make money is to remember 2 things:

1. Focus on a niche

Let's hit on choosing a niche one more time. It's that important. I recommend staying away from overly saturated niches like "mommy blogs", general personal finance, and general exercise. It's not that these are bad areas, there is just a ton of competition making it hard to stand out.
If you like one of those areas look for a way to niche down further. For example, instead of having a "mommy blog" think about something you have direct experience with. Maybe you have a child with a sensory processing disorder. Then, start a mommy blog for moms with children with sensory processing disorder.
If you want to start an exercise blog find a way to niche down. A few ideas would be an exercise blog that is focused on helping working moms to make time to exercise in their already busy day. Or, an exercise blog that's all about exercising with children to teach them the benefits while you stay healthy too.
Don't be afraid to niche down because there are people out there that are going through the same thing you are. If I couldn't eat gluten, I'd be looking for a meal planner that specialized in this area instead of just a general meal planner.

2. Focus on providing value

People will want to come to your site and spend money on what you have to offer if you're providing valuable content. Make sure you're always teaching them something while they're on your blog. That's what keeps them coming back for more.
The easiest way to make sure you're doing this is to choose a blog topic that you love and are passionate about. If you try to choose something you don't know a lot about or don't care about, you're quickly going to run out of things to say. But if you choose a topic that you enjoy talking about and learning about you constantly be coming up with new ideas.

How do I start a blog?

Starting a blog is a lot easier than you might think. There are only a few steps that you need to follow to get it up and running. I walk you through them in my blog post How to Start a Blog So You Can Work From Home.
Once you have your blog up and running it's time to start putting out content. Don't forget the importance of being consistent. From this point on there are many ways that you can continue growing your blog.
If you want support and encouragement from others going through the same process, I suggest you join the Blogging Business Club. You can also check out the following articles for more information:
  • 6 Ideas for Your Blog Post Writing
  • What to do Before Starting Your Blogging Business
  • Writing a Blog Post Idea List with a Title Generator

You can do it

If you've been sitting on the fence thinking about starting a blog in 2019, do it! Don't let fear hold you back. It takes time, energy, and hard work, but the financial reward is there waiting for you if you would just get started. Do you still have questions on how to get started making money blogging as a beginner? Drop them in the comments below.
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Top 5 Blog Niche Ideas My Blogging Students Choose

January 31, 2019 0
Yay, you decided to start a blog! Now quickly choose one of the 4 million topics that are out in the blogosphere that you want to talk about for years to come. And, make it could because it's what you're going to build your blogging business around. No pressure, right?!
This sounds overwhelming because it is. But, don't worry! I'm going to share with you the 5 blog niche ideas I see most from my students using and how you can make it work for you. 
Here are the 5 most popular blog niches:
1. Food
2. Mommy/parenting
3. Health
4. Travel
5. Self-Improvement
Download the list of 160+ blog topic ideas that can make your site stand out more than the typical “mommy blogger,” “food blogger,” or “lifestyle blogger” sites.

Want 160+ blog niche ideas that aren't boring? 

Use this list to find a blog topic that is more exciting (and more profitable!) than the typical "lifestyle blogger" niche.

Choosing a blog topic

When I first set out on my blogging journey, I asked myself, "what should I blog about?" Then, I sat down and made a list of everything that I was interested in. It's a good way to find interesting topics to write about. But there were a lot of things on that list! 
When you're trying to figure out what to blog about, make sure that you end up choosing just one topic. If you don't then you'll end up writing about anything and everything. And, when you do that no one will read your blog because they won't understand what it's about. Here are some other things that you'll want to think about when choosing a blog topic:
  • Can you think of ways to make money on that topic? We are focusing on building a blogging business, not just blogging. That means you need to be able to think of ways you can make money from your blog. Are there products you can create? Affiliates that you can connect with? 
  • What could you talk about all day? You need consistent content if you're building a blogging business. Do not pick a topic that you get tired of easily. It needs to be something that you could talk to anyone about anytime. 
  • What do people want to read about? I'm not going to lie, there are audiences out there for just about any topic you can imagine. But if you want to make money you need to think about choosing a topic that has a large enough audience that you can keep a steady stream of money coming in. 

Where did these 5 blog ideas come from?

As of today, I have a couple of thousand students that are in my paid blogging courses. I've also had tens of thousands of bloggers come through my free courses and resources. To find this list of five I did some digging to see what these bloggers were writing about. 
And, I have to say that my members never fail to amaze me. They are so creative! I think it's pretty safe to say that I've seen it all. However, there were some trends. And, while they might have all had different niches with the topics, the five listed above came up time and time again.
If you are a blogger that blogs about something else that doesn't fall within one of these five, I'd love to hear about it. You can leave it in a comment below the video on my YouTube channel (and don't forget to subscribe while you're there) or drop it down below. 

1. Food

The first category that made the list was food. Who doesn't love food? People love to read about, cook it, eat it, and take pictures of it. All of that makes this one a really popular topic. There are so many ways that you can blog about food. 
You can share cooking tips, restaurant reviews, or recipes. This is an area that I enjoy seeing all the ideas that my students have come up with. They never fail to put a new spin on things. If you're wondering why that's necessary, check out the section below about choosing a narrow niche.

2. Mommy/parenting

I just love being a mom! It's hands down my favorite role that I've ever had in my life. And, I'm obviously not alone. My bloggers and followers love to blog about their experiences as a mom. I think this is a popular niche because as parents there are so many things we need advice on. 
When you become a new parent there are about a million different scenarios that you aren't 100% sure how to deal with. Then, every time you think you have your kiddo figured out, they hit a new stage, and everything changes. That means there are tons of directions you can go in with your mommy blog or parenting blog. 
For example, if you are a mom of multiples you could focus on that. Or if you have a child with celiac disease, you could write valuable content to help other parents in the same situations. The list really goes on and on when you break down ages, stages, and interests. 

3. Health

I think now more than ever we are really aware of health issues. We've been educated on what we should be putting in our bodies and what we shouldn't. That makes the health care topic a big one. And, it isn't just physical health, there are plenty of blogs on mental health as well. 
You could start a fitness blog or a blog for people that suffer from anxiety or depression. Think through the areas of health that you are the most experienced in, passionate about, and would enjoy writing about. How can you use your experience to help others? 

4. Travel

This is a topic that's really interested to me because I'm a bit of a homebody. Traveling for me usually means one time a year. And, I like to go to the same places and do things I'm familiar with. 
However, I have some amazingly adventurous travelers in my blogging courses. I just love to see when they start their travel blogs. They talk about all different kinds of things regarding travel. There are some that travel around the world and others that stay within the United States. 
The world is the limit when it comes to travel blogs. You can focus on far off destinations. Or, you can start a blog for people traveling to your local city. You can share tips on attractions to visit, restaurants to eat at, or destinations that get you off the map. 

5. Self-Improvement

There are a lot of variations when it comes to the self-improvement category. It's a broad category that includes a lot of topics. For example, you could blog about how to overcome failure and fear, time management, thinking critically, or how to be more productive. 
I do have one warning in this area. From what I've seen, it can be hard to identify what some blogs are about in this topic. So, I really recommend that if you want to blog about self-improvement that you think about what part of self-improvement you are the most passionate about. 
Don't just decide to be a "self-improvement blogger". Instead, as an example, you could be a "time management blogger". Your blog could be all about sharing helpful time management books, tips on time-management for the morning, the afternoon, and how to teach your kids time management. While you will be discussing a self-improvement topic, everyone who lands on your site will know exactly what it's about. 
You should need to be really specific. I've noticed that it can be harder for my students to grow their blog as fast in this blog topic. It can go in so many directions that it's really easy to spread your blog too thin covering too many different things. This makes the blog vague. 
You want to make it 100% clear what your blog is about. Your readers should be able to spot your niche right off the bat.

Why is it important to choose a narrow blog niche?

There is one thing that you are going to constantly hear from influencers as you work on building your blogging business—niche down. You may find yourself wondering what this even means. Let me help you out. 
A niche is a specific topic for your business. It's when you take the broad topic that you selected and choose just one part that you are going to focus your blog around. For example, instead of having a food blog, you decide to have a food blog where everything is geared towards moms that are cooking for picky eaters.
All of your recipes and tips that you share are written with that niche in mind. If it doesn't relate to moms cooking for picky eaters than you don't put it on your blog. Why is this a good idea? Because it lets people quickly identify what your blog is about. It also allows you to become the "expert" in that area. 
If a mom with a picky eater finds your site, she's going to keep coming back because everything on the site is useful information for her. People are overloaded with information online every day. If they have to sift through things that aren't helpful to find what is on your blog, they will go somewhere else. 

Having trouble finding a niche?

If you want help on niching down within one of these main topics shared above sign up for the free resource on this page. You will have over 160 niche ideas to get your wheels turning!
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How to Install YouTube Responsive Videos on a Blog

January 29, 2019 0

How to Install YouTube Responsive Videos on a Blog

The use of video properties in a blog article has become more widespread since YouTube launched the embed video feature. This feature allows us to display YouTube videos directly on our blog / website. The problem is the display of YouTube videos is not responsive even though the blog template that we use is responsive. For that we need to add some code so that YouTube videos become responsive on the blog. 

On this occasion I will explain two ways to install YouTube videos on a blog, as well as how to get YouTube video embed codes with Android phones, along with information regarding embed YouTube videos on the blog. 

The direct way
is to install the YouTube video embed code inside tag iframeDespite usagetag iframein the post it is said to be less good in terms of SEO, according to SEO checker sites. However, this method has several advantages, including the following.

  1. Embed YouTube videos faster
  2. The cover image background of a YouTube video can appear as a thumbnail image, if the position is the first image of a post.

To create a responsive YouTube video on the blog, place the CSS code below right above the code ]]></b:skin>or </style>in your blog template. Or it could be in a post in HTML mode with a wrap tag style.

  1. .embedded-video-large{background-color:#000;background-position:center;background-size:cover;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block; width: 400px; height: 230px; max-width:100%;overflow:hidden;position:relative}

  2. .videoyoutube{text-align:center;margin:20px auto;width:80%;}

  3. .video-responsive{position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;overflow:hidden;margin:8px}

  4. .video-responsive iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0}

  5. @media screen and (max-width:400px){

  6. .videoyoutube{width:100%}

  7. }

How to install YouTube videos on blog posts

To install YouTube videos, use the code format below to call / display YouTube videos on the blog. Place the code in HTML mode, when you make an article / post.
<div class="videoyoutube">
<div class="video-responsive">
<iframe allowfullscreen="1" class="embedded-video-large" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KODE_ID_VIDEO?rel=0"></iframe>

Change the text KODE_ID_VIDEO with the YouTube video id code that you want to embed to display on the blog. 


  • Its allowfullscreen="1"function code is to bring up the full screen / full screen button.
  • The rel=0function code so that at the end of the video is not displayed related videos, usually there are 50 related videos and if clicked it will be played directly on YouTube, not on your blog.

Examples of responsive Youtube videos

How do you make YouTube videos look like they are on tv (make a monitor effect)? 

Add the css code below to the CSS set above.

  1. .videoyoutube{background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#303030 0%,#202020);border:1px solid #404040;border-bottom:1px solid #303030;border-radius:5px;box-shadow:1px 30px 30px -26px #000000}

Using JavaScript

The javascript function here is to change the code in any tag that uses the specified class, to be tag iframeSo actually this is just to outsmart or just to avoid using tag iframeit directly in the post. Let me be more SEO "he said". However, this method also has several weaknesses, including the following. 
  1. The resulting background image cannot appear as a thumbnail image. The reason is "still a mystery" ???
  2. Loading vidoe content is longer because generally javascript is placed in the bottom body tag "loaded later".
    Place the following CSS code above the code ]]></b:skin>or </style>

    1. .videoyoutube{text-align:center;margin:20px auto;width:400px; max-width:80%;}

    2. .video-responsive{position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;margin:8px}

    3. .video-responsive iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:400px;height:230px;max-width:100%; max-height:100%;border:0}

    4. @media screen and (max-width:400px) {

    5. .videoyoutube{max-width:100%}

    6. }

    Install the following javascript code above the code </body>.

    1. <script type='text/javascript'>

    2. //<![CDATA[

    3. setTimeout(function(){$('.video-youtube').each(function(){$(this).replaceWith('<iframe class="video-youtube loader" src="'+$(this).data("src")+'" allowfullscreen="1"></iframe>')})},5000);

    4. //]]>

    5. </script>

    Make sure in your template there is any version of the jquery code. If you don't have one, please install the following jquery code above the code </body>

    1. <script src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>

    How to display YouTube videos on a blog

    To call / show embed YouTube videos on blog articles, you can simply use the following code in HTML mode when creating articles / posts. 
    <div class = "videoyoutube">
    <div class = "video-responsive">

    <div class = "video-youtube loader" data-src = "// www.youtube.com/embed/
    KODE_ID_VIDEO ? rel = 0">
    </ div>

    </ div>

    </ div>

    Change the text KODE_ID_VIDEO with the YouTube video id code that you want to embed to display on the blog. 

    Note: for code descriptions, and how to create monitor effects, you can use the same CSS code as in the first method above. 

    How to get the YouTube video embed code via an Android phone

    From some tutorials on how to make responsive YouTube videos, most of them use desktops as a media to get YouTube video embed codes. So when I practiced the tutorial, I found a problem because the device available was only an Android cellphone. But that doesn't hinder my intention, because I'm sure there must be an alternative way to achieve a goal, if we want to try. Here's how to get the embed code for a YouTube video.

    1. Open the YouTube application on your Android phone / smartphone.
    2. Look for the video that you want to take the embed code.
    3. After meeting, click the three point button on the right side of the video.
    4. Select / click Share , then on the new window pop-up click Copy link.
    5. Paste / paste the url in the draft post, browser tab, or wherever you can. sample YouTube video url: https://youtu.be/ qLrWHuOQPOQ
    6. Copy the last code from the url, usually a combination of upper and lower case letters. That is KOE_ID_VIDEO which you can use to install the embed YouTube video, in the format as described above.

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