23 AFFILIATE MARKETING TOOLS FOR BEGINNERS - Best Blogger Designs, Tips, Tricks, Tools and Basic to Advanced Training

Best Blogger Designs, Tips, Tricks, Tools and Basic to Advanced Training

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Affiliate Marketing Tools for Beginners
Being an affiliate marketer you need to wear many hats at one go. That is, you need to be a combination of a good content marketer, SEO professional, product manager, social media marketer, conversion rate optimizer and accountant.
So, in order to do such multitasking efficiently, you may need to use affiliate marketing tools to make the process fast and easy.
On the top of all this, using the tools, eventually helps you fetch more traffic and revenue.
Before we check out the affiliate marketing tools let’s skim through the top benefits of using such tools.

3 Prime Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing Tools

In what way will affiliate marketing tools outperform you?
  • Let’s imagine you have a day job and you want to earn with affiliate marketing on the side with scarce time. In this scenario, affiliate marketing tools will aid in your productivity.
  • Affiliate marketing tools will spot opportunities or niches for you. That you yourself can’t find. Finding your own niche that others don’t have is vital to succeed in affiliate marketing.
  • You need not bother yourself about heavy investments.
Let’s hurry up to categorically look into affiliate marketing tools that make you earnings tasks easier.

23 Affiliate Marketing Tools I use and Recommend

Research and Analysis Tools for Affiliate Marketers
Affiliate Marketing Tools For Researching Profitable Niche And Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
In order to do affiliate marketing effectively, you need to involve in researching the right market base.
Also, you have to look for a proper and appropriate inclusion of SEO to make your online marketing a success.
The following tools will guide you into achieving the aforementioned.


What is AmaSuite?
AmaSuite is designed for Amazon’s product affiliate marketers.
So what can you do with AmaSuite?
With AmaSuite you can research for products in Amazon that you want to sell.
Moreover, AmaSuite helps you to find “buyer keywords” that users use to buy products.
This software is easy to use for both beginners and pro Amazon enthusiasts. The latest version, AmaSuite 5 is doing spectacular rounds in the market.
AmaSuite software is a bundle of products comprising,
  • Ama Keyword Generator
  • Top Product Analyser
  • Ama Search Analyzer
  • Review Analyzer and
With Ama Keyword Generator, you can find the exact keywords people are searching in Amazon website to find desired products. You can use these keywords in your product titles and descriptions to rank in top positions.
Top Product Analyser helps you to find top-selling products on Amazon. This is done by pulling seller data such as weight, ships by, site, total offers, dimensions, sale price and more.
Search Analyzer will help you to discover products from over 67,000 categories from Amazon US and UK.
Ama Review Analyzer will help you to extract product reviews giving the ability to come up with the product idea to sell.
Some catchy likes about AmaSuite are,
  • You are given clear instructions on how to use each tool.
  • A full course on how to build Amazon affiliate websites.
  • Acess to AmaSuite’s private Facebook mastermind group.
  • Amasuit is really cheap and will not drain your pocket.

2)  Long Tail Pro

You know, long tail keywords are more often used keyword type in search engines. The more explanatory your keyword is, much is the chance for you to rank high in search engine.
So, how do you get such keywords?
You can get it from Long Tail Pro keywords research tool.
All you have to type root keyword related to your niche at long tail pro, then it does it job to generate a bunch of long tail keywords.
Advantages of using Long Tail Pro for Affiliate Marketing
You have a major advantage of speed and effectiveness in your keyword research with Long Tail Pro. Other advantages with Long Tail Pro tool are,
  • You input keywords on a particular topic and get hundreds of niche long tail keywords.
  • Long Tail Pro will make it easier for you to analyze the competitiveness of keywords.
  • Fine-tune your content with the best long tail keywords.
  • know your target audience better.
  • Find low-competition keywords.

3)  Google Keyword Planner

You have to use the right keywords for people to find your content or product. To know which keywords people are searching for, you can use Google Keyword Planner tool.
The tool helps you to find broad keywords and let us see what Google Keyword Planner can do
  • Unlock exact search volumes.
  • keyword ideas for more than three terms at once.
  • Find lucrative keywords by looking at suggested bid
  • Keyword volumes for local areas right down to your own city level.
  • You can see which devices people are using (and which you should be optimizing for).
Learn More About Google Keyword Planner

4)  SEMrush

SEMrush is my favorite tool, It helps to analyze huge amounts of SEO data related to your site and your competitor’s.
Imagine 106 million keywords on about 46 million domains.
How can you use SEMrush for your affiliate marketing?
Let’s take a look at the advantages.
SEMrush allows you to do keyword research that allows you to hone in on potential customers
There are many ways people type in similar search phrases in search engines to find their favorite products or services. All these ways, however, lead to the same conclusion.
As an affiliate marketer, you can use SEMrush to type in a product specific keyword not only to see the estimated search volume on a monthly basis. But also to see related keyword suggestions that are close to the meaning of the original search term.
Such search results will reveal the type of content your website should have. It also helps you to further optimize your content to bait potential customers.
You can view top performing keywords and pages
SEMrush automatically spiders keywords that appear in the top ten pages of Google. This data is incredibly useful for affiliate marketers.

5)  Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a one among the popular affiliate marketing tools to do extensive SEO’s backlink analysis.
It is a useful tool for keyword analysis and website rankings. The tool uses different SEO metrics to analyse and provide quantitative results for every website analysis done.
How can Ahrefs help you as an affiliate marketer?
You get qualitative inputs for the organic search report
Ahrefs analyses your website and gives a clear picture of what has to be done to make your site more visible and rank high.
You get extensive backlink analysis report
Ahrefs does a good SEO backlink analysis of a website. You get a complete load down of all backlinks got from different 3rd party referral sites.
In a similar way, you also get a backlink analysis report of your competitor’s website.
The keyword research tool provides competitor keyword analysis
Through Ahrefs’ keyword research report you get a clear idea of keywords that you need to optimize and rank your site.
Ahrefs’ Content Explorer
The Content Explorer tool in Ahrefs lets you know the lists of popular content, based on performance metrics like social shares, organic search traffic and referring domains.
Ahrefs’ Rank
This tool tracks the website traffic flow. Different parameters are also used to rank a domain. And also make a comparison with other competitive domains.
URL Rating
With this tool, Ahref tells you which URL is receiving more links quantitatively and qualitatively.
Historical Backlink Data Analysis
It is important to maintain historical data of backlinks. It helps you to make a comparison with those backlinks that are live.
Link Intersect
In order to prepare a holistic SEO audit report you need to know from which sites your competitors are getting backlinks.
Ahrefs’ site explorer has link intersect. This allows you to add three of your competitors’ URL. To see how they are faring as compared to you in the SEO backlinks.
You can perform a better competitor analysis with Ahref
With the help of Ahrefs, you can know which competitors are doing better than yours in SERP. By knowing this you can do a rethink on your content strategy to target more effectively.
Using Ahrefs you can develop a perfect content strategy
With Ahrefs Content Explorer you can come to know which relevant topic is currently trending. You can also know what contents publishers are looking for.
Such analysis will help you to create apt contents that will receive more page views.

6)  Google Search Console

what exactly Google Search Console does?
It is a free tool by Google to know and improve the health of your website.
Specific benefits of Google Search Console that will help affiliate marketers
Submit sitemap to get indexed by Googlebot.
You can help Google’s web crawlers to know more about you by submitting a sitemap to Google.
A number of websites will automatically generate a sitemap for you. Once you get it, loading it to the Google Search Console is extremely easy.
You can come to know common keywords that  people use to find you
People who found your website would have reached your site using a specific search term.
So Google Search Console will reveal the most common keywords that directs people to your website.
You can identify your most popular pages
Some pages on your website would perform better than others. This will bring people to your website.
Google search console will help you identify those pages on your website that draws people.
You can easily spot where your visitors are coming from
You may have a business service that serves a particular part of the world. In this case it is important to bring people from that particular geographical area.
With Google Search Console spotting your geographic-specific people is easy.
With Google Search Console you can identify the devices people use
Your business by now should have a mobile-friendly website.
It is good to know what portion of your visitors are interacting with your website on each different type of device. Google Search Console will you have covered on this.
You have to make sure that your website works well on mobile
Mobile compatibility of your website is needed for your affiliate marketing to have the maximum reach.
In order to find out the mobile compatibility, your website should pass Google Search Console’s mobile usability standards.
You can see which site links to you
You know that backlinks are one among the biggest ranking factors. It will be useful if another authoritative website links to your site.
This increases your website’s authority in the eyes of Google’s algorithm.
Check for broken links
Broken links lead people away from the functioning pages you want them to be on.
Google also will not be happy with broken links and this eventually affects your ranking.
In Google Search Console’s Crawl section you can find details on any errors Google found while crawling your website.
This also includes all URLs that returned a 404 error.
You can identify website security issues
Google Search Console cautions you when your website has a security flaw.
Confirm your schema markup or structured data is working
You may use schema markup or other structured data on your website. In this case, Google can confirm for you whether it’s set up right to work in the SERPs.
With these many possibilities found with Google Search Console, your affiliate marketing initiative cannot veto them all.

7)  Google Analytics

With Google Analytics you can get free web analytics service. It provides statistics and basic analytical tools for SEO and marketing purposes.
Essential Takeaways with Google Analytics for Affiliate Marketers
  • Find out which online campaigns bring the most traffic and conversions
  • Determine where your best visitors are located
  • learn what people are searching for on your site
  • Visualize what Pages are being used most
  • Uncover your top content
  • Identify your worst performing pages
  • Discover needs for a mobile site

8)  Majestic SEO

Majestic SEO is one of the best link intelligence tools.
I shall now focus on how you can use Majestic SEO tool for competitive analysis
Quick Link Intelligence Review
With Majestic you can get a free smaller set of competitive data. You can check several quality factors on the competitor’s links.
Anchor Text
This is a good way to figure out why your competitors are ranking for the keywords they are showing up for.
You can also come to know what kind of anchor text your competitors are targeting. And what do their referrers naturally use to describe their sites.
Referral Domains
If referral domains are sending traffic to your competitor’s site, then they may send you as well as long as you are offering the same sort of quality.
You have to review the site and the type of content they provide to their users. And see if you can offer content of similar value they would be willing to link to.
You can further send a personalized email to whoever is in charge of the site to explain why a link to your site benefits them.
Deleted Links and Mentions
Majestic SEO is a good place to get your own site listed.
You can find out why they deleted the link to your competitor’s site. And maybe try to place your site in their spot.
If their site has a mention, you probably can too. And maybe you can get yours turned into an actual link.
Top Backlinks
Top backlinks are links that you should try harder to obtain for your own site.
Image Links
Using images to find the site that link to your competitor’s site is really great. Because these are places you can probably purchase an advertising spot.
Many sites will place banner ads with direct links that you can purchase for monthly or yearly fees.
Since you pay for the advertisements make sure you get a good alt text.

9)  Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool

Let me tell you what this tool is all about.
The SEO Spider is a powerful and flexible site crawler that crawls both small and very large websites efficiently. At the same time, you can analyze the results in real-time.
SEO Spider tool gathers key onsite data to guide SEOs in making informed decisions.
Let me list out some of the benefits of SEO Spider tool which may be of use in your affiliate marketing,
  • SEO Spider tool helps you to Find Broken Links
  • Find Temporary and Permanent Redirects, identify them and correct if required
  • Analysis of metas
  • Discover duplicate content
  • Review robots and other directives
  • Generate XML sitemaps

Content Marketing Tools For Affiliates

Content is King and Content Marketing is the Spine of affiliate Marketing. Employing the right tools to create an appealing content to lure your affiliate website visitors is essential to make your affiliate marketing a success.
Timely, appropriate and updated contents using the tools below will shove your path to successful affiliate marketing.

10) WordPress

WordPress is the most popular tool for creating websites. With WordPress you can create any style of website. Be it a simple blog. To full-featured business website.
You can even create an online store using WordPress.
Now let me tell you how you can build an affiliate website using WordPress
With WordPress you can broaden your scope of doing affiliate marketing. There are different types of affiliate websites you can work on with WordPress. Let me brief them.
Daily Deals
This can be done using WordPress. An easy way to build a coupon site is through a pre-styled coupon theme like Kupon WordPress theme.
This has got everything you need for your daily deals site. Like front-end deals submission, easy theme options, coupon downtown, social integration and more.
If you already have a theme then a plugin may suit you.
You can add coupons for your WooCommerce with WooCommerce Coupons Countdown WordPress Plugin.
Price Comparison Sites
You can add your reviews and affiliate links to your price comparison site using the Price Compare WordPress Theme.
This is a good option to share your favorite products and services with your readers. You can do this by using easy to read comparison tables with logos, dates, prices, and more.
Also the Go Responsive Pricing & Compare WordPress Plugin is useful to create comparison tables for just about anything.
Last but not least, you can also opt for WooCommerce Compare Products free WordPress plugin.
Product Review Sites
The Review WordPress theme is a review magazine theme which has easy review options for readers to give their ratings in addition to yours.
Moreover visitors to your site will be confident about the ratings and click on those affiliate links.
To add reviews to your current site you can use Taqyeem Ratings & Reviews WordPress Plugin. This plugin has unlimited colours, unlimited review criteria, custom fonts and multiple review styles.
Last but not the least option is WP Product Review free WordPress plugin.
Another point I want to emphasize is on “Why WordPress for Affiliate Marketing?” Let me just skim the reasons through,
  • WordPress is easy and versatile.
  • WordPress is search engine friendly
  • You can integrate ads easily
  • And of course you can get great support from the WordPress community of bloggers, consultants, fellow contributors, developers, experts etc.

11)  Grammarly

High quality written contents are essential to get a higher search engine ranking.
As an affiliate marketer you can write contents about products or services and post it in your blog page.
But an impeccable English writing is a predominant factor in retaining prospective customers. Here comes Grammarly, that I would call an English-Language Writing tool.
Grammarly from my experience makes your content readable for an international audience.
Grammarly helps writers in the following ways,
  • Checks grammar mistakes.
  • Helps you to resolve the confused prepositions errors.
  • Spots overused words and gives perfect replacements for the overused words.
  • Can easily spot wordy sentences.
  • Spots incomplete sentences and helps the author to finish the sentence.
  • Helps resolve the overuse of passive voice.
  • Checks plagiarism

12)  Copyscape

You and I quite often think how nice it would be with Ctrl A+Ctrl C+Ctrl V. But I am sorry, algorithm Google Panda lurks to penalize such copycats.
Even otherwise you and others may detect copied content using Copyscape tool. What is this anyway?
Copyscape is a tool used to check plagiarism. It is a free tool. It is a two-way plagiarism check.
Like you may see if your content is a copied one or if anyone else has copied your site’s content.
Let me list the tool’s viability for a clear understanding.
  • Check duplicate content on your site
  • Detect if other bloggers, sites or authors have not stolen your content.
  • Get a free Premium API.
  • Free Comparison Tool.
  • It provides a free Plagiarism Banner.
  • You can avail either free or premium services

13)  Canva

Canva is a tool that has plenty of easy-to-use features and functionalities. With these you create a variety of engaging content that can be shared.
Canva helps you score better on two metrics of content marketing campaigns. That is “Producing Engaging Content” and “Producing Content Consistently”.
Both these metrics are essential for successful affiliate marketing.
You can create many content types with Canva. Like, pre-sized social media image, header templates, marketing materials, documents, presentations, invitations and ads. And much more.
Eight effective steps you can employ to create a visual content with Canva to boost your affiliate marketing
  1. First identify your content goals and the platforms that will best suit them
  2. Go through the templates library to find and create the right content
  3. You can use Canva’s built-in photo library to find the right visuals for your post.
  4. Use typography to match image and text.
  5. Enhance your image with a filter
  6. Resize designs depending on the platforms
  7. Canva enables collaborating with a team or post the visual to social media
  8. You also have the advantage of creating better designs using Canva’s free interactive courses.

14)  CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

Headlines is most probably what you look at when you turn the pages of a newspaper.
If that is the case with a daily newspaper then imagine reading online. Readers will continue reading your content only if you have powerful headlines.
So in order to promote, get more leads and sell your content you need to frame headlines that work.
So from where do you get these real and relevant headlines?
You can try CoSchedule Headline Analyzer tool.
CoSchedule Headline Analyzer is a free tool that will analyze the quality of your post title.
After the analysis, it would suggest you ways of improving the headlines for an, even more, better end result.
Key features of CoSchedule Headline Analyzer,
  • The tool provides you a visual representation of where your headline hits and misses and why.
  • Looks at the structure, grammar, and readability.
  • Classifies your headline type.
  • Looks at your word balance.
  • Breaks your title according to Common Words, Uncommon Words, Emotional Words and Powerful Words.

15)  Buzzsumo

Yeah. It is good to buzz this tool to keep your content working.
So what’s in this tool for you?
Buzzsumo is a tool that helps to put your content on top of your competitor’s. It acts as a research and monitoring tool.
In what ways does Buzzsumo help you to beat your affiliate competitors?
  • It helps you to create strong core topics
  • Find out what content was shared most, and on what network
  • Instantly find out what big industry people are sharing
  • Create awe-striking headlines
  • Develop inspired contents
  • You can source proper links
  • Find interesting contents to share with your followers
  • Build lists of influencers whom you can reach out
  • You can do research on your competitor’s content
  • Create alerts for trending articles

Affiliate Email Marketing Tools

Emails prove to be a communication channel in affiliate marketing. Streamlining your messages through email with the following email marketing tools will increase your scope of doing affiliate marketing.

16) Get Response

Of course these small messages can be direct contact points with your targets. They are emails sent directly to where the people are provoking probable action.
So why not streamline these message chips to aid you in your affiliate marketing strategy. For which you can use GetResponse.
GetResponse is the easiest email marketing service. This tool enables you to create a valuable subscriber list to develop relationships with them.
What all can you do with GetResponse
You can come up with good Email Designs
This tool has the right options to send attractive emails. You have features like Drag-and-drop/HTML code editor, 500+ pre-designed templates, 1,000 free iStock images, mobile previews etc.
These features are just starters. You have many more to scale up your affiliate marketing through effective email campaigns.
You can come up with Responsive Design
Your email design should be smartphone and mobile compatible. You cannot presume your readers to read your emails only through desktop computers.
Doing things on the go is today’s lifestyle. GetResponse gets you email designs that are mobile compatible.
GetResponse fetches you Advanced Segmentation
Not all of your customers are alike. So your business communication should contain the right content for the right people.
To make this possible you can use GetResponse. With GetResponse you can easily create multiple campaigns for multiple groups of people.
With GetResponse you can do A/B Testing
Yes. With GetResponse you can conduct split tests. Creating such a campaign is quite simple.
You can easily A/B test the email campaign with up to 50% of the subscribers.
You can create Automated Emails
With this feature you can create a flowchart of responses that you want to email your subscribers. That too based on their response or behaviour towards your email.
You have assured Email Deliverability
It looks bad when your email drops in the spam folder.
GetResponse understands this and has set up an anti-spam support team to monitor accounts and send warnings when required.
Perfect Timing email Delivery
This is a wow factor.
The tool will tell you when to shoot an email to your subscriber. It pre-calculates the time of the day when your subscriber usually visits the inbox.
At that point of time you straightly lodge in an email for your subscriber to open the email.
This sounds like a magic wand to glue you subscribers to you.
With GetResponse you have Advanced Analytics
Analyzing email marketing metrics is important in affiliate marketing to woo your customers. In Advanced Analytics you can monitor,
  • Open Click Rate
  • Click Through Rate (CTR)
  • Subscriber’s activity pattern
  • Device used to read your emails
So you can optimize your emails to match your target audience’s needs and preferences.
You can even collate social data such as likes, shares, RTs, etc. to see how well your email content has fared.
With GetResponse you can get High Converting landing pages
I know it surprises you. But you can really design a landing page of your own or design your own from scratch with the help of 1,000 free iStock images.
You have a drag-and-drop option. You can even split-test your landing pages.
Now, look at this. Easy Webinar solutions with GetResponse.
Too many on the plate. I believe. With GetResponse you can create and broadcast your own webinars.
You should not forget to remember this. That is webinars are an upcoming marketing tactic to engage with the audience on a much more personal platform.
You can customize your own webinar URL. Use date-and-time picker and schedule your webinar accordingly. You can also choose to keep your webinar open or private.

17)  Drip

Anyway what is “Drip” here? I mean “Drip emails”.
Drip emails are marketing emails that are sent automatically following a set schedule.
For a simpler understanding, it is nothing but the automated email sent a day after a visitor signs up for promotions or creates an account on your website.
These “drips” are preset messages that you send to a customer or potential buyers over time.
Drip email campaign software has certain unique features,
It allows you to gather email addresses from your website.
You can get customer email addresses from various sources.
You can create drip campaigns using Blueprints.
Drip helps your businesses by giving you the ability to trigger an action in accordance to any action your customer takes.
You can start using the Drip software in a cost-effective way.

18)  OptinMonster

What is OptinMonster? It is a cloud-based lead generation software that was launched in 2013. The software was created by Syed Balkhi and Thomas Griffen.
The software supports all the popular opt-in form types.
Rather than just being a lead generation software it is also a conversion optimization software. This helps to increase your email list. And of course your sales and revenue too.
Some of the positive affiliate marketing enablers with OptinMonster are,
You have drag and drop form builder for high conversions
The tool has exit intent feature to convert “lost” visitors
It enables advanced page level targeting
You get well-time and beautiful pop-ups
You can do A/B testing
Enables detailed analytics
2 step opt-in process with MonsterLinks
Fullscreen welcome gate
You can have mobile specific pop-ups for more conversions
Floating bars in case you need an alternative to pop-ups
After-post and in-line forms
Signature OptinMonster technology

19)  Instapage

Let me tell you what Instapage is all about.
Instapage is an end-to-end platform to build, integrate, publish and A/B test landing pages that does not require any engineering resources.
Better customer relationships are built by using their email addresses.
Ways in which Instapage hikes its email subscriber list
It does it through providing links to gated webinar landing pages
Instapage uses its substantial Instapage blog visitor counts to increase email lists.
Emails are collected using strategically placed sign-up forms
Collecting email addresses from PPC landing page

20)  OptimizePress

Let me begin by telling what OptimizePress is. It is a versatile tool. Which will be helpful for bloggers, copywriters, affiliate marketers and many other digital curators.
OptimizePress is specially designed for WordPress websites. So you can install it as a theme or as a plugin.
To help you with your email affiliate marketing you have Emma Email Marketing Integration in OptimizePress.
Let me list out some of the best features of Emma,
Marketing Automation
It is easy to integrate Emma to your website. You can track user activity and send emails automatically as people navigate your content.
Emma also tells which users open your email first.
Emma is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Compliant
Emma is safe for customers following GDPR norms. For example Emma has got features like consent toggles on signup forms and permanent delete functions.
Dynamic Content
With Emma’s email editor you can create several versions of one email and release these versions to varied users in a targeted way.
A/B Testing
Emma enables A/B testing of emails to send the best of emails to customers. So you also come to know what email content your contacts like and don’t like.
Landing Pages
With Emma you can create web pages based on the emails you send out. For example say you are campaigning for subscribers to take the cooking class you offer.
You then come up with a beautiful email to encourage them to take your class. You can likewise create a branded landing page for your website that is specifically dedicated to the campaign.
Emma’s analytics show how many of your contacts have opened your emails. Based on which you get a “mailing score” for previous campaigns.
Emma also provides you with a click map to figure out where your contacts most often clicked.

Social Media Management Tools For Affiliates

We rarely end a conversation with our friends without asking them, “Are you on WhatsApp and Facebook?” And well also, “See the World Cup Football hashtags on Twitter”.
The centennials and the millennials use social media heavily.
And they are the ones too who do a large amount of shopping online.
Harnessing such a potential population for affiliate business will yield huge increments.
The following social media management tools just help you do that.

21) Slack

You should know what slack is. It is a chat room for your whole company.
It’s function is similar to Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
Your team’s Slack will be divided into smaller channels for group discussion. That is made up of teams, interests or whatever your desire is.
Some doable features of Slack are,
  • Slack helps you to find the information you need with advanced search modifiers.
  • Permanently narrow down your searches to avoid seeing information from irrelevant channels.
  • Skip Slack’s search box and start a search from the message box.
  • Save your place in a channel or direct message.
  • Slack’s Quick Switcher allows you to directly go to any channel, direct message or team.
  • Slack makes it easy to find important messages or files.
  • You can catch up on activity quickly.
  • With Slack you can hide all the inline image previews.
  • With this tool you can alert specific groups of people.
  • You can also message someone privately from anywhere.
  • With Slack’s own built-in document editor you can collaborate on the fly.
  • Slack has got an option to enable sharing your computer’s screen with anyone.
  • With Slack’s message-reaction system you can conduct polls easily within channels.
  • Automatically post reminders to channels, groups or individuals before the beginning of an event.
  • Slack shows you all new articles from a source as they are published.
  • Integrate directly with a massive list of third-party apps and services.

22)  Buffer

What is Buffer? Buffer is a social media management tool.
What can you do with this tool? You can share the content you like on your social networks from anywhere.
It helps you to stay on top of your own content.
Ways in which Buffer can give you a hand in doing affiliate marketing,
Buffer does the scheduling for you hassle-free – For example if you are reading an article and found something interesting to share. All you have to do is click on the “Add to Buffer” extension. And the rest is taken care by the app. You can even pre-set different schedules yourself and test and target which one works for you to optimize accordingly.
Discover new content to ‘Read and Share’ – Buffer also acts as a source to find new and exciting contents.
You can build your own RSS Feed inside it – If you like to keep a tab on your favourite blogs and share it as soon as new articles are published, you can do it easily with “Feeds” Tab in Buffer.
If you want to share any article you like you can do so by also selecting any meaningful text that can replace the headline of the article.
You can spruce up your tweets with custom images which will be within the dimensions of Twitter to stand out.
Attach images with Buffer Feeds – This hack will work quite well with the integration of Pinterest within Buffer.
ReBuffer the best performing content – You can reBuffer the best performing contents to the same account and also promote it to multiple accounts.
Along, You can use Buffer in conjunction with so many other tools.

23)  Followerwonk

What’s in this name for affiliate marketing?
Well, it is a Twitter analytics tool that allows you to,
  • Gather and analyze information on Twitter users
  • Determine trends in the social networking tool
  • Expand audience and follower base
  • Identify and engage brand influencers in their specific niches
  • Contrast relationships with friends and competing brands and
  • Effectively optimize brand campaigns by matching activities that attract and engage followers

Turn On A Dime with Affiliate Marketing

These 23 affiliate marketing tools is a capsule of what the tools can do to drive your affiliate marketing business.
In my affiliate marketing journey, using and trying these affiliate marketing tools were thrilling and productive.
So, I suggest you employ the tools that fit you diligently and turn on a dime using Affiliate Marketing.

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